The Montfort Academy Group Project

Tuition, Fees & Financial Aid

High School (Grades 9-12)

Tuition for the 2024-25 school year at Montfort is $16,000 for incoming Freshmen. Tuition for returning students is determined annually based on entering tuition plus an annual tuition increase. For international students, tuition is $45,400.

Non-refundable Registration and Student Fees are $1,300, due in February.  Seniors’ fees are $1,500.

Therefore, the total tuition and fees for incoming freshmen are $17,300. After scholarships and financial aid, the average tuition paid is significantly less than $17,300.

Additional Fees will apply to those requiring shuttle transportation to and from the Fleetwood train station. A separate sports fee will be assessed to student athletes to support team expenses.

The Montfort Academy Tuition, Fees & Financial Aid

Tuition payment plans:

  1. Two-Payment Plan: half of the tuition is due on or before July 1, and the remaining half is due on or before September 1.

  2. Monthly-Payment Plan: a 10-month ACH tuition payment plan is available for a 5% monthly administration fee and a $50 one-time setup fee. The first payment is drafted on June 25. We encourage all families to take advantage of the ACH Monthly-Payment Plan in order to more easily manage their monthly finances.

Scholarships For Scholars

The Montfort Academy offers many academic and merit scholarships including possibilities for Presidential scholarships, Dean scholarships, and multiple smaller scholarships.

No additional paperwork is required.

If selected for consideration, students may be invited for a special scholarship interview.

Sibling Reduction

In 2024-25, Montfort also offers sibling tuition reductions:

- 18% for a 2nd child enrolled

- 22% for a 3rd child or more enrolled

Financial Aid

Each year The Montfort Academy grants hundreds of thousands of dollars in need-based financial aid. In order to qualify for a need-based financial aid award, a financial aid application must be completed and sent to the Private School Aid Service at

The Montfort Academy code is 36342.  

Need based scholarships are generally accompanied by an internship or work-study requirement at Montfort. This form must be completed as soon as possible but no later than January 31st.

Families who receive financial aid grants are expected to participate in our annual fundraisers and volunteer their time to Montfort in substantial ways.

In subsequent years, a new FACTS Student Aid Form must be submitted annually as early as possible at the start of any new year or by February 1st using the prior year tax return or the latest return submitted to the IRS. Filings for financial aid after March 30th will require the current year’s tax return. Any Inner City Scholarship award or other third party scholarships will come directly to Montfort to underwrite any financial aid award we provide.

Catholic School Discount

If you attend a Catholic Elementary School in the Archdiocese of New York, you will receive an automatic $500 tuition scholarship. Larger scholarships are available to students from specific Catholic schools.

Catholic School Employee Discount & Military Discount

If your parent or guardian is an employee of a Catholic elementary school or high school in the Archdiocese of New York, you will receive a tuition discount of $1,500. Also, to say thank you to military service members, we offer a discount to families whose mothers or fathers serve in the military.