Mass and Holy Hour

Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary, and Confession

Special mass for the feast day of our patron saint louis de montfort

MASS, holy hour, rosary, and confession

Every Tuesday at 2:30 pm, The Montfort Academy gathers as an entire school community—students, faculty, and administration—for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Every other Thursday, The Montfort Academy as an entire school community spends one hour in adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, which Catholics believe is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

During the one hour, students also pray the Holy Rosary and have the chance to go to Confession and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or forgiveness by God of one’s sins.

During the hour, students have the opportunity to kneel in quiet prayer, something that is rare in this world of constant movement and noise. Whether a student is Catholic or not, this time of quiet prayer is very much a favorite part of Montfort’s week.