Parent Readings
Parents often comment that they wish they had had the opportunity to attend The Montfort Academy when they were going to high school. Mindful of that, occasionally we come across an article or a video that we just have to share with parents. Often these articles validate our classical approach to education. Often, too, they show just how much The Montfort Academy and our founder and chairman Richard Greco have shaped Catholic classical education in the United States. Among the first Catholic classical high schools to open, many other schools have looked to Montfort as a model and have asked our President Richard Greco, Jr. to advise them.
The following time-honored classic essay by the founder of the Great Books of the Western World program and former professor at Columbia University and the University of Chicago, Mortimer J. Adler, PhD, "How to Mark a Book" is highly encouraged. This 1941 essay will prove essential for all Montfort students and will be beneficial to Montfort parents, too.
How to Mark a Book, by Mortimer J. Adler
The following essays and articles are also for both parents and students on the importance of handwriting, hand-written note taking, and hand-written thank you notes. Please note that all students at The Montfort Academy are taught that among the highest forms of gratitude is the hand-written thank you note; over the years, they will write many.
The following is an article that well-captures The Montfort Academy's philosophy of teaching science.
The following is an article about where the millionaires of Silicon Valley send their own kids to elementary school. And it's not where they have lots of computers and technology!
A Silicon Valley School that Doesn't Compute
This is a landmark study by OECD shows that computer use by students in the classroom actually diminishes results.
The following articles about classical education are also interesting to read:
Classical Education: An Attractive School Choice
The Catholic University and the Promise Inherent in Its Identity
A Case for Classical Education
Moving from What to Who: Science and Theology, Faith and Reason
African Americans Embrace the Great Books
The Renaissance of the Classical School
Case Study: St. Jerome School, Maryland
The Hardest Class in the Humanities
Montfort is an excellent education primarily because we care deeply about our students and what they are exposed to and learn since their education is the foundation of their lives. The classical Catholic educational model is really the only model for authentic formation of the mind, body, and eternal soul.
Yet, Montfort is not only an excellent education, it probably is the best value in Catholic education in the Archdiocese of New York. This is because Montfort’s tuition and fees are the lowest of any top-ten schools in the Archdiocese.