Every other Thursday, The Montfort Academy hosts a distinguished speaker, defined as someone who has distinguished himself or herself not only in the professional life but also personal life. At Montfort, we think it is important to expose our students to successful individuals in the world who also care about their eternal souls and therefore try to live a life of virtue.
During Convivium, we also hold faculty roundtables, where faculty members speak about topics they care deeply about, sometimes academic, sometimes personal.
Other Convivium events have included Veterans as speakers, Sisters of Life speaking about the Feminine Genius, Greek Drama performances, Advent Confessions, the Montfort Theme of the Year, the Junior Ring Ceremony, Lenten meditation on the Passion of Our Lord, the National Latin Exam, Mental Health, the Mayor of Mt. Vernon on her life and times, Racial Diversity and Inclusion at The Montfort Academy, various roundtables on matters of Christian identity and race, the merits for all of a classical education even in modern times, and more.
For a partial list of Distinguished Speakers, please click here.
One of our teachers presented a paper he submitted to the International Thomas More Society. The paper was entitled, “Curriculum Wars and Treaties in Thomas More’s Utopia.” Mr. Friddle led a roundtable discussion on the very purpose of education. Our convivia are designed to address just this—to help form young men and women with wisdom and virtue through the example and insights of their teachers and special guests. In another Convivium, our President speaks with Dr. Nathan Liebowitz about Ukraine and Russia, as well as Israel and Palestine.
For the roundtable on Curriculum Wars and the Purpose of Education, please watch this video: