“You are doing something creative, daring, and innovative. You are restoring the noble idea of Catholic education. Unapologetically, you are saying we are here to help change sinners into saints.”

The Catholic Faith is lived at Montfort, not simply taught in the classroom. At Montfort, four years of Theology, one year of Philosophy, and classes in Chivalry and Christian Womanhood are required. Each day begins with Montfort’s daily prayers, including the morning offering, and each day ends with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. In between, students say the Angelus before lunch and begin each class with a brief class prayer.
Each Tuesday all Montfort students attend Holy Mass as a school, and each Thursday, they pray the Rosary together and have a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration in our beautiful Church, and they sing together through our Schola Cantorum. During Holy Hour, they also have the opportunity for Confession.
And daily, students live out their faith in love of God and love of neighbor through acts and words of kindness and service to one another. Everyone who walks into Montfort notices the difference in our students behavior—they greet people warmly and respectfully, they treat one another with respect and dignity, they look you right in the eye and introduce themselves and tell you what they think. They understand that success in this world is important, but that live with God forever in Heaven is even more important. At Montfort, students Seek Wisdom, Practice Virtue, and Keep the Faith.