International Students
Special Note For International Students
The application deadline for International Students is April 1, 2025. Students are required to fill out our online application and to request a family interview date. If English is not spoken by parents, then a translator should be present for the interview. It is not necessary to submit standardized exams, but if students have them already, they may submit them.
The Montfort Academy is one of the most diverse high schools in the United States. We have students from more than 40 ethnicities and nationalities. The list grows every year, and the diversity of cultural backgrounds is nowhere more on display than during our annual International Night. The Montfort Academy has also welcomed international students from countries as diverse as Italy, Spain, Mexico, Vietnam, Korea, Nigeria, Ghana, and Indonesia. Often students come to the United States with their families, but sometimes they come on their own. In a few cases, The Montfort Academy has helped international students find housing arrangements. In all cases, the application process for International students is the same as for American students. Our online application, an interview, and school recommendations are required.
Tuition and Fees for international students is $45,400 per year including living expenses of room, board, and commuting that are provided to a host family for welcoming an international students.
For Exchange Students From China:
蒙特福特学院被评为美国 50 所最好的天主教高中和纽约州最好的私立高中之一。凭借对性格塑造的承诺,蒙特福德学院开设逻辑思考、公开演讲和令人信服的写作等经典课程。无论学生以后选择何种职业,学院总是致力于教授生活中真正重要的东西。蒙特福特学院享有 100% 的大学录取率,每年我们的学生都能被世界上一些最好的学院和大学录取。例如,2021 届 学生有30%被《美国新闻与世界报道》排名前 1% 的高校录取,而几乎所有其他学生都被前 5% 的高校录取。此外,2021 年 14% 的学生被哥伦比亚大学和康奈尔大学等常春藤盟校以及麻省理工学院、东北大学和弗吉尼亚大学等其他著名的非常春藤盟校录取。蒙特福特学院的班级规模很小,学生与教师的平均比例为 7:1,班级平均人数为 17 人,蒙特福特学院为学生提供在其他地方无法找到的个人关注。蒙特福特距离世界上最伟大的文化中心之一曼哈顿只有几分钟的路程。录制的开放日和其他视频可以在线获取,让您实时了解蒙特福特教育的特殊性和独特性。
For more information please contact Jia Zheng at