President of The Montfort Academy delivers Convocation Address to open new school year, September 5, 2018

The Honorable Richard Greco, Jr., President of The Montfort Academy, delivered the 2018 Convocation Address to inaugurate the 2018-2019 academic year.  His address was entitled The Vocation of the Montfort Knight--For The Glory of the Blue and Gold, during which he spoke about the lifelong pursuit of truth through faith and reason.  He asked the students to think to a time, many years from now when they will face the most important question in life, "What kind of life did I lead?"  Mr. Greco said the answer to question "What kind of life did I lead?" is answered each and every day by asking the question, "What kind of life will I lead?"  A classical, Catholic education such as Montfort's reveals to students that truth is indeed knowable through reason and faith, and that the purpose of life is to seek Truth and to love God.  


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