Incoming Montfort Freshman helps save bus driver in medical distress

As reported in the February 1, 2018 edition of the Catholic New York, 14-year old David Rae of St. Patrick's School in Yorktown Heights came to the aid of his bus driver who suddenly found himself in medical distress.  The bus driver, Anthony Andriani, started feeling abdominal pains and requested that David contact the bus company by radio.  Mr. Andriani received the help he needed, and the bus company sent another driver.  Mrs. Darlene Del Vecchio, David's principal, described him as "fantastic, extremely intelligent, responsible, very spiritual and a leader."  

David will be attending The Montfort Academy as a Freshman in September.  His brother Matthew, another fine young man, is currently a Sophomore at Montfort.

To read the full article, click here:  Catholic New York article on David Rae, "Calm and Cool Eighth Grader Aids Ailing Bus Driver, Students."


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