40 Montfort Juniors Receive their Class Rings in Ceremony

At the Annual Epiphany Party, which takes place each year on the first Friday after school re-opens from Christmas vacation, the Junior Class received their class rings in a ceremony as old as Montfort itself.  Calling to mind the fidelity that one spouse has for another, Montfort President Richard Greco, Jr., who placed the rings one by one on each Junior's third finger of the right hand, commented how the school ring is not a sign of mere academic achievement or a sign of simply passing from one year to another.  Rather, it is a sign of Montfort's fidelity to its students to provide a genuinely Catholic and academically excellent curriculum that will support them throughout their lives.  Vice President David Petrillo read a letter he wrote years ago for the first ring ceremony reminding them that in the Lord of the Rings, the ring was a sign of evil but that they should use it for good.  All students, upon receiving their rings, are asked "Serviesne," which in Latin means, "Will you serve?" to which they respond, "Serviam," which means "I will serve."


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